Tuesday 28 February 2017


Wearily collapsing on the cozy bed
Post a hectic day at work
Her fluttering eyes effortlessly shut
But, soon they reopened with a jerk.

Her tired hands lifted the raucous culprit
A look of vexation on her weary visage
She answered the call in a mumbled tone
The unwanted caller unknown to her knowledge.

Instinctive exasperation turned into shock
Upon hearing the voice at the other end
Opened the floodgates to old memories
An emotional attack she failed to fend.

The reel of memories rapidly played
Good, bad and ugly; in a single thread
The caller’s voice broke her reverie
Sparing her from further dread.

Realizing the futility of her thoughts
She quickly regained her lost composure
A wrong number as it turned out to be
The old chapters shall again face closure.

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