Tuesday 28 February 2017


Wearily collapsing on the cozy bed
Post a hectic day at work
Her fluttering eyes effortlessly shut
But, soon they reopened with a jerk.

Her tired hands lifted the raucous culprit
A look of vexation on her weary visage
She answered the call in a mumbled tone
The unwanted caller unknown to her knowledge.

Instinctive exasperation turned into shock
Upon hearing the voice at the other end
Opened the floodgates to old memories
An emotional attack she failed to fend.

The reel of memories rapidly played
Good, bad and ugly; in a single thread
The caller’s voice broke her reverie
Sparing her from further dread.

Realizing the futility of her thoughts
She quickly regained her lost composure
A wrong number as it turned out to be
The old chapters shall again face closure.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Plenty Yet Empty

Looking around with hopeful eyes
Quietly consoling her longing heart
She shifted her gaze from one to another
Trying hard not to fall apart.

Her mind recalled some legendary lines
Powerful words that made her think
“Water, water, everywhere;
But not a drop to drink.”

The puzzling site ahead of her
Resembled the famous poetic phrase
Countless people fill this world
Yet loneliness adamantly stays.

She craved to vent out her thoughts
A meaningful talk, have a good laugh
The bizarre reality of life crushed her need
Lips motionless, eyes spoke on her behalf.

As tears rolled down her cheeks
A harsh truth embedded in her head
She mended ways, revalued her needs
Strategized for the path that lay ahead.

Human companionship is a dicey thing
A balanced approach much required
The point of equilibrium remains unknown
The quest for it has left her weary and tired.

Thursday 23 February 2017

Quest For Solace

An alley stretched till the far end
Humongous cupboards standing tall
With curious eyes she searched about
For the key to solace hidden in the hall.

Shackles curbing imagination, unfastened
Pave the road to an unexplored land
An easy escape from all her worries
Problems she could no longer withstand.

Her wandering gaze took a halt
Eyes rested on a piece of treasure
She lifted a book off the shelf
A blissful sensation beyond measure.

Flipping the pages with utter care
She dreamily inhaled the scent of liberty
Her hands had hit upon a worthy fortune;
An experience that shall last an eternity.

Sunday 19 February 2017

Sombre Cycle

The ticking clock is a funny thing
Engulfs your life bit by bit
Seals aching wounds, lends a helping hand
To forget that the heart was once hard-hit.

She had come to terms with cruelties
Nasty games played by fate on her
Yet some sadistic souls exist
Joy of others far from what they prefer.

They reopened her wound without thought
Planted a seed of false expectations
Her stable mind was racing now
An open invitation to unwanted fluctuations.

Baseless expectations resemble a burning candle
A source of light in a pitch dark room
The wax structure shall soon extinguish
Leaving behind daunting darkness and gloom.

Sunday 12 February 2017

Decked Up

Head held high and a sturdy gaze
She faced the world with sheer panache
The sight revealed to the naked eye
Overflowed with buoyancy and posh.

The naïve lady was quick to learn
Hypocrisy existed deep-rooted
“Inner beauty lies above all”;
A pure truth now massively polluted.

She dresses up to hide her flaws
But true beauty lies in imperfection
The world goes by a different theory
Though followed by all, needs correction.

Call her a coward for being so afraid
To face the world in her real form
Even the healthiest of crops often die
When subjected to the cruelty of a hailstorm.

Friday 10 February 2017

Disturbing Revelation

With misty eyes she left the hall
Head hung low like a heavy sack
Shattered spirits accompanied her
I called her name but she didn’t look back.

She left the room in utter haste
Attempting to conceal her tears
Sniveling sounds though gave away
Deeply burdened, she shut her ears.

The deathly silence was unnerving
A chilling shiver ran down her spine
When I approached the broken soul
She softly uttered that things were fine.

Words of condolence filled the air
To get an atomic message across
“Failure is success in progress”;
A small saying far from dross.

The consoling act continued unabated
 I solemnly spoke my mind
An outlandish question made me pause
Answers to it, I failed to find.

“Practice what you preach”, they say
Something which I seldom follow
This revealing thought opened a can of worms
Are the words I say simply hollow?