Thursday 26 January 2017


Cold gusty winds made the trees sway
All lay draped in their blankets, except one.
Beads of perspiration covered his forehead
The tedious task was no longer fun.

Countless stacks of books and study papers
Lay strewn across his tiny table
As all enjoyed the wintry weather
He flipped through the pages and kept stable.

Eyes tightly shut and face buried in his hands
He wished he could escape reality
With the exam date fast approaching
His mind raced with thoughts of self pity.

They say life is full of ups and downs
But the latter refused to let go of him
Struggling to keep his spirits alive
He looked up at the face not so prim.

Staring hard into the mirror
He discovered what he needed the most
A dose of inspiration and grit determination
Those pair of eyes revealed what success cost.

When the uglier side of life takes hold of you
Thoughts of self criticism constantly hover
Work for those pair of gleaming eyes in the mirror
With time, happiness and success shall take over.

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