Monday 30 January 2017


In the glitzy world of social media
Where irrelevant snaps are gleefully shared
The empty box made her awfully sad
And with hopeful eyes she always stared.

Steadily shuffling through the gallery
Did not do her much good
Months soon turned into years
And with dampened spirits she silently stood.

A tiny nose and crooked teeth
Lack luster locks in a messy bun
She curved her lips to fake a smile
The displeasing sight made her adjourn.

The mirror showcased her imperfections
And so did the ruthless camera lens
They selectively captured what hardly mattered
But nevertheless, that made her tense.

The empty box longed for a picture
Waiting to exhibit her flawed features
But both encapsulated half the truth
Neglecting the soul of beautiful creatures.

The virtual world is a ruthless place
Implications of a bad picture are manifold
She patiently waits for a human lens
To discover her innocent heart of gold.

Thursday 26 January 2017


Cold gusty winds made the trees sway
All lay draped in their blankets, except one.
Beads of perspiration covered his forehead
The tedious task was no longer fun.

Countless stacks of books and study papers
Lay strewn across his tiny table
As all enjoyed the wintry weather
He flipped through the pages and kept stable.

Eyes tightly shut and face buried in his hands
He wished he could escape reality
With the exam date fast approaching
His mind raced with thoughts of self pity.

They say life is full of ups and downs
But the latter refused to let go of him
Struggling to keep his spirits alive
He looked up at the face not so prim.

Staring hard into the mirror
He discovered what he needed the most
A dose of inspiration and grit determination
Those pair of eyes revealed what success cost.

When the uglier side of life takes hold of you
Thoughts of self criticism constantly hover
Work for those pair of gleaming eyes in the mirror
With time, happiness and success shall take over.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Devil In Disguise

With bated breath she quietly stood
Occasional cries added to the noise
The heated argument continued endlessly
But failed to oppress her whimpering voice.

The clock hung on the plastered wall
A bomb ticking in absolute disguise
Half past midnight its hands revealed
Each second witnessed louder cries.

The cry of the woman she idolized
Tears of oppression was what she beheld
The oppressor being a roaring red flag
Like a raging bull she attacked and yelled.

Outbursts of fury lashed at the accused
Left him bitter and perplexed
Unprepared to hear the voice of change
Her courage made him further vex.

Futile attempts to extinguish the fire
Made him leave rather reluctantly
The savior stood with the suffering woman
Her proud heart pumping buoyantly.

A tight slap on the face of patriarchy
She took a stand against injustice
Raise your voice before it is late
Refuse to be a damsel in distress.

Sunday 22 January 2017


Shadows of monotony close behind
Relentlessly followed me like my own
Days dragged at a sedate pace
Nights elapsed staring at the phone.

Once busy, now lying idle
With hopeful eyes I gazed
The loud ringing hugely anticipated
Is now a memory hazed.

Life has taken a tragic turn
The joyful ride has come to an end
Like broken glass is what I feel
Things are hard to mend.

The heart that beat buoyantly once
No longer seems the same
Afraid and timid, it does its job
Fearing the wrath of the love game.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

A Humorous Dilemma

As I climbed up the never-ending flight of stairs
My head still throbbing from the cacophony
I heard someone laughing away to glory
I stopped to comprehend-was it genuine or phony?

Loud shrieks of happiness out of the blue
Followed by some moments of deadly silence
The joyous sounds hit my ears again
I concluded this not to be false pretense.

I resumed my journey up the stairs
My mind refusing to let go of the mirth
I tried shaking it off my stubborn head
But we tend to hold on to what we dearth.

The person at the other end
The source of laughter, I would say
Was he to be permanent in her life,
Or would the glory simply fade away?

The passage of time is a funny thing
You never know what games it shall play
One who seems like a live-long friend
May leave your side on some ominous day.

Let your happiness be a free bird
Scaling heights without any worry
Dependence may lead to deception
And laughter will soon turn into fury.