Sunday 27 August 2017

Lost Wits

Cruelties inflicted over the years
Hard-hitting hammer or lashes of a whip
Maybe a chisel for the molding piece
Transformed was she, from toe to tip.

Compelled to close the once open gates
Leading to the soul of an unsolved conundrum
The key thrown in a pool of disappointments
Fearing the re-occurrence of another tantrum.

A ball of steel now splendidly strode
Walked the path of life without much diffidence
Forgotten had she about the lost key
Now in the hands of a ferocious fiery phase.

A change in state, both physical and mental
Perseverance saw her melting point
Gleefully climbing up the steps to distress
With little apprehension of the pair being disjoint.

She reached atop with soaring hopes
Looked beside for the warmth she adored
As cold winds blew against the emotional fool
Lost wits were now befittingly restored.

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